Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The "Underground" Marketing Strategy That Changed My Life (How to Get 200K Visitors for FREE)

Who else is sick and tired of not getting your marketing message out to the masses? Do you have inspired ideas, and a sense of great PASSION and purpose about your work, but can't seem to get your content, or community off the ground? Are you trying to launch your brand, blog or business on a bootstrap budget, and CAN'T afford all of the fancy pants gimmicks, gadgets and gurus that promise the world... but always seem doomed to disappoint? If any of this sounds familiar, I'm going to share with you a super simple strategy that changed my life a few years back... with the hope that it changes YOUR life, today. Curious to know more? Continue reading as we take a closer look.
First, I want you to understand THIS to be true... because it is.
Maybe like you, I spent hours and hours trying to master a whole bunch of exotic, esoteric marketing strategies that seemed great on paper... but never translated into profit.
I bought eBooks out the nose, spent hundreds of dollars on software, tools, "insider tips" and techniques, and never budged my bank account in the direction of my dreams.
The truth is, the ONLY thing that stopped me from giving up... was the simple online marketing strategy below. It was (and is) 100% free, works ferociously fast, and is perfect for business owners on a budget.
The strategy is article marketing.
But NOT the way most people do it. And not the way most gurus recommend it.
Essentially, what I did was find the BIGGEST niche I knew I could write intelligently about, and had enough experience to convey a bit of authority and expertise. (which at the time was online dating, I'm not so proud to admit..:-)
I got up every morning... and with a simple timer by my side, forced myself to write articles on my online dating wins, losses and amusing experiences.
I worked from 9-12 every morning... and over time, was able to get about 9 articles cranked out, submitted and syndicated before lunch.
Those articles initially drove my readers DIRECTLY to a big name affiliate offer in the dating space... and that alone, was a major breakthrough in my business.
Later, I used that same traffic to list and relationship build... which was the second major breakthrough in my business. (simply because I learned the real secret to online success is rapport, relationship, and using my content to create a COMMUNITY)
Lastly, those articles generated almost 1.4 MILLION readers. (and sent about 220 THOUSAND visitors to my simple landing page)
It took NO gurus. No gimmicks. And no slimy Strategies that sounded too good to be true to work. Just articles, and offers.
The truth is, as we begin 2013... even if your goals are smaller and more modest than the above, regardless of what you may have heard elsewhere, if you are SERIOUS about success, you can still CRUSH it with content, and your keyboard... and if you are sick of scams... I challenge you to PROVE it to yourself, starting today.
ATTENTION Coaches, Teachers, Trainers and PASSION Professionals: Want the SECRET to earning $1047 + in ONE Day WITHOUT Tricks, Gimmicks or Guru's? Click HERE and I'll give it to you 100% Free!

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